Chapter 14: Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles

 Chapter 14: Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles

1. Values

A new trend that has been gaining steam in the last decade has been sustainability. As the warning of imminent changes due to climate change, millennials and Gen Zers especially have been changing consumption patterns, placing a high value on sustainability and ethical practices from the companies they shop at. Nordstrom has seen this growing attention to sustainability and implemented key changes to the types of products they carry. The company has published a list of sustainability goals to be met by 2025 on their website "to make an even bigger impact for the good of the earth." 

2. Personalities

The consumer base for Nordstrom is a typical compliant, susceptible to influence person but also tends to be dogmatic. Resistant to change and new ideas, most consumers are easily influenced by the places they typically shop at. knowing this, Nordstrom has thankfully made it their goal to influence their consumers to make better choices by sticking their stores with new sustainable brands. If consumers see that such a big company like Nordstrom has these new changes, they will be more likely to start making sustainable choices of their own because although we all believe we need to be unique individuals. 

3. Lifestyles

In March of 2021, Nordstrom hosted a handful of pop-up shops in 9 of their stores that centered around the zero waste lifestyle. They partnered with Package Free, a zero waste one-stop shop founded by Lauren Singer in 2017. Nordstrom made a one-time donation to GrowNYC to celebrate the partnership to support zero waste programs around NYC.


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