Chapter 10: Post-Decision Processes

People like to tend to return their gifts if they don't like them. This is why people always tend to put the receipt with the gift. This would make the Post decision process easier since the receiver wouldn't have to do the embarrassing thing and ask the sender for the receipt. So, they could return it because they didn't like it or aren't just satisfied with the gift.  Nordstrom's return policy is "We handle returns on a case-by-case basis with the ultimate goal of making our customers happy". The best thing about Nordstrom's return policy is that they don't have a set time limit for returns or exchanges.  Since Nordstrom's return policy is great it makes the Post-decision dissonance and the post-decision regret both a bit easier if they still feel like they made the bad decision or dislike it. Customers could simply just go in and ask for an exchange if it's still in the return policy time frame.

As for Nordstorm's Satisfaction and their Dissatisfaction. You are able to leave your thoughts about the products by rating the item that you purchased and you can leave a review for the item. So, that other people are able to see your comments on what you like or dislike about the item and why.


You are also able to call their customer service and they would input the information you provided to them into the system so it allows the workers to see why you were satisfied or dissatisfied with the item. Another place you can let them know how you feel about the items is on their social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.


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